Our approach to the curriculum:
At St Thomas More we believe all teaching must reflect our Catholic faith, enabling our children to develop and deepen their relationship with God. Our value of the human person as made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education at St Thomas More and we recognise that every individual is unique and precious to God. As part of the Catholic life of the school there are visits to church to mark our class Saint’s days and our children celebrate significant feast days with a Mass at church or services at school, thus embedding Catholic teachings as a natural part of the curriculum.
We offer an ambitious, rich and broad curriculum and are committed to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. We have designed a curriculum that draws on a high-quality literature spine and the very best resources around, carefully building their skills and knowledge from Early Years to Year 6 and developing a life-long love of learning.
The curriculum allows all pupils to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to achieve as well as focussing on the development of the whole child ensuring not only academic success but also creativity, responsibility, mental well-being and resilience to soar in an ever changing world. Pupils become confident, positive learners who make effective progress and achieve their potential and are able to make a positive contribution to their community and the wider society.
Our curriculum values diversity and supports pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Our schemes of work reflect the content and challenge of the curriculum and our school’s individuality. We aim to inspire pupils; build character so they become thoughtful and responsible citizens and educate about diversity and cultures which pupils may not otherwise encounter in their local community. Experiences such as cultural days, book week, black history, extra-curricular trips and fund-raising activities support the development of pupil’s cultural capital and understanding of British Values.