Pupil Premium Allocation

Pupil Premium is a government initiative and was introduced in 2011, it is an addition to school’s main funding.  This allocation is targeted at addressing underlying inequalities and aims to tackle the disadvantages some children experience in life.  The funding is available to children from low income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals. At St Thomas More Primary  we believe strongly that the Pupil Premium should be used carefully so that it facilitates access to the curriculum, provides additional teaching and learning opportunities and additional support and interventions.  Our aim is to support children’s social and emotional well-being and improve their progress and attainment in English and Maths so that we narrow the gap between disadvantaged children and their peers.

If you think your child may qualify for additional funding please complete the form on the Royal Borough of Greenwich website : Pupil Benefit Claim (royalgreenwich.gov.uk)

 Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2021/2022

Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2020-21

To increase the proportion of PP pupils reaching expected standard within each year groupClass teachers aware of PP children, specific focus of SLT in termly pupil progress meetingsNilAs a focus group, attainment discussed and further actions or support discussed
Raise attainment of students in preparation for SATSEmployed staff member one day a week for small group teaching/support£6,909.50Improved confidence of students from improved teacher/student ratio. Time given for feedback after support
To support vulnerable children in making progressDeployed Teacher to work with small groups of children identified by class Teacher, focus on literacy and numeracy£9,150High quality teaching with significantly reduced teacher/student ration. Increased focus and support in an academically balanced group.
To improve basic skills in phonics and reading comprehensionVolunteer readers, 1-1 and small group support from TAs£8,000
To improve basic skills for those with speech and language barriersUse Speech and language therapist£9,000
To increase engagement in PE, to have PE as an incentive to attend schoolPurchase of additional PE kits to be held in reserve for children who forget  their PE kit£88Increased numbers in class able to participate in PE. Reduced embarrassment at not being able to join in with friends in the lesson
To encourage opportunities and experiences beyond the class curriculum to inspire and motivateCost of school trips, peripatetic music teaching, after school club costs coveredY6 School journey £828
Other trips 
Clubs £1,480
80% of PP pupils attend after school clubs.
All PP pupils attend school journey
To improve attendance and punctuality to schoolImproved process of contact with parents, late sign in, follow up non-attendance. Engagement with attendance service and school nurse£1,60050% of PP pupils have attendance lower that school target of 96%.
Two lowest attenders in 2018/19 were at 90 and 86%, up from 78 and 75% the previous year.
Total: £26, 455