Whole School Catholic Life
October 2023
St Theresa’s feast day
In honour of their Class Saint, Year 2 celebrated St Theresa’s feast day by having a Class Mass on Friday 29th September.
The children read the readings and wrote their own prayers for the intercession. They also sang beautifully. During the Offertory, each child came forward and placed a rose on the Sanctuary. During the Consecration, the children sat around the Altar. The Mass was attended by some of the children’s parents and parishioners.

On Friday 13th October, we had a visit from the charity CAFOD. They spoke about the work they do in a whole school assembly. The whole school dressed up in bright clothes as the theme was ‘Brighten Up this Harvest’. We almost raised nearly £200!
Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 had Catholic Social Teaching workshops.
November 2023
On Friday 10th November, the whole school gathered for a Remembrance Service.
Children from different classes talked about how they made a recycled poppy at home. Children in Year 2 shared how they made clay poppies.
The Lighthouse team read John McCrae’s poem ‘In Flander’s Field’ and used images to explain the meaning of the words. They wrote their own prayers, remembering all those that died in the Wars and those who are continuing to fight today. The whole school joined in with a two-minute silence. Father Richard ended the Service with a prayer.

December 2023
Year 1 and Year 2 retold the Nativity in the form of drama and singing. It was well attended by Parents and Governors.
Year 6 retold the Nativity at our local Parish Church. They were accompanied by the rest of the Junior classes who sang carols. Parishioners, Parents and Governors attended this very special service.

January 2024
The whole school attended Mass to mark the start of the New Year, led by our Lighthouse team.
The School Choir performed at the O2 in the Young Voices concert, singing with approximately 8,000 other children from schools around the country.
February 2024
During the week commencing Monday 5th February, we celebrated Asian Culture Week. Each class had a ‘Lunar New Year show and tell’ activity. They wore red, which is the colour that is considered lucky. Mrs Nguyen led an art activity in each class and every child made a dragon. It was a very fun activity!
March 2024
Year 6 had their class Mass to honour their class saint; Saint David. The children selected the readings and hymns, and wrote their own prayers of intercession.
Year 6 led the school in remembering the events leading up to Jesus’ death by re-enacting the Stations of the Cross through drama and song.
Year 1 and Year 5 had a joint class Mass to honor their class saints; Saint Patrick and Saint Joseph. The children in Year 5 selected readings and wrote their own prayers of intercession. Year 1 chose hymns to sing from a selection provided.
April 2024
The whole school attended Mass to mark the joy of Jesus’ resurrection. The Lighthouse team led our Eastertide Mass. Art Club have been busy thinking about ‘Earth Day’ and designed their own interpretations of Earth, thinking about how special the Earth is to them.
May 2024
Year 1 took us back in time to the story of Pentecost, when the disciples waited and prayed in anticipation for the coming of the Holy Spirit. They re-enacted the story with drama and song.

May 2024
Each class created a display to celebrate the different and special titles of Our Lady.